Strategy & Benefits Realisation
Your overarching strategy requires the successful execution of a range of business and technical projects across multiple areas identified for change and improvement – and the associated experts who can deliver at the very highest level.
max20 provides highly skilled Associates to manage and support the critical components of strategy delivery. These include: Benefits Realisation to optimise ROI using real-world, proven benefits management models; Business Architecture service to provide a clear picture of the current and future design of your organisation, including detailed impact analysis of requirements and proposed changes; Data Orchestration at scale; Harmonisation of your digital functions to support service consolidation and merges; and associated Cloud Consultancy services to make sure you are working smarter and faster.
max20’s Associate Pool also includes CIO Advisers, exceptional and hugely experienced individuals and teams who review your IT systems and provide recommendations supported by specific subject experts.
Associate Pool
High Quality People
- Subject matter experts, team leaders, CIO / senior-level people.
- Teams of up to 100 people mobilised quickly and seamlessly with max20 support.
- max20 business managers provide ongoing support and a dedicated point of contact.
- Proactive pipeline of ongoing opportunities.
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