About max20
Delivering digital transformation to the NHS
Established in 2001, max20 is a leading provider of healthcare project solutions. Created by passionate industry experts and driven by their strong commitment to improving the UK’s healthcare systems, max20 thrives by putting people at the heart of change.
max20 enables the NHS to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technologies, mobilising large, specialist non-medical consulting teams to deliver projects to improve healthcare outcomes across both acute and community settings. It is regarded as the go-to project delivery provider for NHS Trusts in the north of England and is now helping many more Trusts across the UK.
In over 20 years of operating, max20 has recorded a 100% project delivery success rate and holds the top position for the supply of IT and Digital services to the NHS in England. They are also the leading provider of digital services through the CCS G-Cloud framework.
Our Teams
Business Managers
Team Assembly
A dedicated team of experts specialising in the NHS and wider healthcare community throughout the UK. We pride ourselves on building sustainable relationships by keeping in regular contact with and continuously building a pool of highly qualified healthcare experts.
A network of experienced professionals covering all non-clinical disciplines up to Executive Director level. Our Associates are committed to providing service excellence, supporting our clients to achieve improved patient outcomes.