Good training services provide the expertise and energy of an effective and progressive workforce across your NHS Trust.
At max20, we offer a comprehensive training service that encompasses detailed planning and the delivery of high-achieving teams and individuals.
Our training programmes are designed to cater to various requirements, including new implementations, updates, and ad hoc training needs. Training also forms an important component of our Cloud Support Services.
max20’s approach to Training is focused on promoting sustained system adoption and user satisfaction, and we achieve this through a combination of e-Learning and on-site floor-walker support after go-live.
Investing in high-quality training is a critical part of your IT success, driving improvements in terms of workforce effectiveness and their all-round wellbeing.
Associate Pool
High Quality People
- Subject matter experts, team leaders, CIO / senior-level people.
- Teams of up to 100 people mobilised quickly and seamlessly with max20 support.
- max20 business managers provide ongoing support and a dedicated point of contact.
- Proactive pipeline of ongoing opportunities.
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